Philosophy @ UNC -- Daniel Muñoz
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Academic homepage of Daniel Muñoz.

Academic Bio

I’m an assistant professor at UNC Chapel Hill and Core Faculty in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).

I also serve as Director of UNC’s PPE Speaker Series, Associate Editor for the Journal of Moral Philosophy, and President of the American Association of Mexican Philosophers.

You can see what I’m reading now on PhilPeople.


Public Philosophy

What We Owe to Ourselves and Avatars (2021) – interview for With a Terrible Fate.

COVID-19, Masks and Moral Mathematics (2020) – ABC Religion and Ethics. (One of the ABC’s ‘Best of 2020’.)

Is There a Moral Imperative to Wear a Mask? (2020) – interview on The Minefield, ABC Radio National.

Not Knowing Everything That Matters (2014) – The Philosopher's Magazine, with Jonathan Dancy.

About 'Muñoz'
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